

I am a first-time parent and had no idea about baby sleep and routines. I just went with the flow and very quickly found myself pacing the floors at night with a fussy 7 months old. I was super exhausted and desperate for a solution. I turned to Charlotte for help and didn’t regret it for a single second.
She took the time to understand our family situation, including our baby boy’s temperament, routine, and any specific concerns we had.
She was super thorough, went through everything step by step and answered all my questions. Equally, she immediately took my „fear“ of actually sleep training our baby because she told me right from the beginning that it was a gift for life I was giving our son. Also, the plan she came up with was very much realistic and logical. After the 60 minute consultation call, I felt a bit scared to actually start but she literally held our hand and answered all our questions over the next 2 weeks. Already after 5 days, our nights were almost 10 hours long and by the end oft he 2 week period, our son slept through the night 7pm to 6am. I could not be more grateful!!


7 months
London, UK


We reached out to Charlotte because we wanted to have a bit more structure around our son’s sleep, day and night. As first time parents both working fulltime, we knew we had to invest ourselves early on into his sleep routine, otherwise we would not be able to keep up with our jobs. To be honest, I felt a bit ridiculous going straight to a sleep coach because I might well just read a book. But after I had a first short call with Charlotte, I really wanted all her advice and I could feel that no book can hold your hand and I wanted someone to hold mine. Charlotte explained that at 11 weeks, Henry was in between newborn and baby and it would be the perfect time to establish great sleep habits.

After this initial call, she drafted Henry’s customised sleep plan which not only covered his naps and night time sleep but also his milk intake. That was an absolute game changer for us! Learning more about how to time his bottles alongside his naps helped us so so much. I felt super comfortable with the plan she came up with and as we started with Henry being so tiny, it didn’t even feel like a “training”, it just felt like gently nudging Henry towards more nigh time sleep while making sure he had enough milk and sleep during the day. I am so so grateful we did this with Charlotte and cannot recommend her highly enough.

3 months
London, UK


Our daughter Livy was 6 months old when I reached out to Charlotte. She was waking up every night at least 1 if not 2 times, crying for milk. Sometimes we could coax her back to sleep with the dummy but then latest when she woke up the 2nd time during the night, we had to give her a bottle.

Charlotte drafted a sleep plan for Livy and to be honest, I was a bit dubious at first because she suggested to loose the dummy entirely. I had kept the dummy with my twins previously so I kind of wanted to keep it.
In the end, we decided to give it a go and looking back, getting rid of the dummy was the single best decision! It was tough 3 days and nights but then everything got so much better. Charlotte also adjusted her milk intake (no snacking 🙂 ), introduced a solid meal and we worked hard on her naps and established a solid bedtime routine where we always made sure she went into her cot awake and not already asleep – all of these small tweaks helped so much and today she is a great sleeper!

6 months
London, UK